Monday, November 5, 2007

Adversly Affecting Antagonistic Attitudes : Mulitcultualism on line

Social Studies

Grade Two

Description of Learning Object: This site is put together by grade six students in the Inuit. They use photos and instruction to share some of their favorite traditional games with students around the world.

Description: I would use this towards the end of our unit. The class is learning about the daily life of children from other parts of the world. Children would look at this page in groups and pick a game to teach to the rest of the class as well as picking a game that is popular here to post instructions on the class blog.

Planning and Preparation: I would assign the class into groups. I would be sure that we would have an accessible space such as the gym to do our peer teaching activity in. I would prepare a digital camera and all necessary hardware to post our game images on the web. I would have inspiration sites available for students to brainstorm about the game that they would like to post on the blog.

GLO: Students will: 2.1.2 investigate the physical geography of an Inuit, an Acadian, and a prairie community in

Canada by exploring and reflecting the following questions for inquiry:

SLO: What is daily life like for children in Inuit, Acadian and prairie communities (e.g., recreation, school)?

ICT Outcomes

C.5 - Students will use technology to aid collaboration during inquiry.

· 1.1share information collected from electronic sources to add to a group task

P.1 - Students will compose, revise and edit text.

· 1.1create original text, using word processing software, to communicate and demonstrate understanding of forms and techniques1.2edit complete sentences, using such features of word processing as cut, copy and paste

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